tormenta en el ecosistema de los containers

“What has to happen in order to prevent fragmentation, is pretty clear, as there is excellent precedence: Linux was successful despite its commercial adoption to a large degree because Linus Torvalds remained an excellent technical leader who put the good of the project above all business interests. He established a culture of meritocracy that rewards good-faith technical contribution and nothing else. Unfortunately the Docker project has gone in the opposite direction.”

una no llamada al fork a partir de docker.

“My hope is that Docker Inc will react to the controversy by adopting a win-win mentality, rather than continuing to control the project and push their business-agenda against all other contributors. The debate shows that unless we find a way for the standard container runtime to evolve in a model that is inclusive of the requirements and submissions from a large number of contributors, we will see fragmentation. So we are at a pivot point on whether we will have a common standard for the container runtime or not.”