Vidal, La era de la humanidad

Dependerá de cómo se prepara a una sociedad y a sus estructuras económicas para ese día, para cuando se necesite un tejido socioeconómico de vanguardia y adaptable en el que implementar medidas que aborden la nueva realidad en lo laboral, en lo productivo y en lo humano.

Vidal, La era de la humanidad

Un gobierno no debe intervenir en todo. Desde mi punto de vista debe liderar, marcar un modelo a seguir, estimular los cambios favorables y resistirse a los que vienen en sentido negativo. Para ello, no obstante, habrá que entender qué tipo de escenario futuro es realmente el que está ahora mismo conformándose

Vidal, La era de la humanidad

Tal vez estás pensando que este cambio va para largo. Seguramente eso es lo que piensa tu propio gobierno, o tal vez ni siquiera lo tengan en cuenta. Por ello, cuando queremos analizar qué está suponiendo a tiempo real la automatización, no disponemos de datos concretos en España, Europa o Latinoamérica

Vidal, La era de la humanidad

A cada décima impositiva de más, son millones de empleos que peligran por la falta de inversión en la transformación de las empresas. A cada intento por penalizar a una empresa tecnológica por el mero hecho de serlo, miles de empleos se van por la alcantarilla del futuro inmediato. Es urgente saltarse esta pantalla y ponerse a jugar en la siguiente, una que por cierto ya va con «realidad aumentada».

Vidal, La era de la humanidad

Respecto al papel de la fiscalidad en todo ello, es muy probable que en la próxima década la tributación será mucho más alta de lo que hoy podemos imaginar. Sin embargo, creo que subir impuestos sería hoy un error monumental, ya que ahora es preciso estimular la inversión empresarial para afrontar los cambios que vienen, y aumentar impuestos para sufragar el inevitable desempleo

Vidal, La era de la humanidad

Hay muchas cosas que no se están teniendo en cuenta y que, o nos ponemos en ello, o el pinchazo de la burbuja inmobiliaria parecerá una especie de guardería comparado con la que se nos viene encima

Vidal, La era de la humanidad

A ver si la solución podría ser dinamizar la empresa privada, estimularla para que se modernice, y rebajar los impuestos para facilitar su competitividad. Es una opción. Tenemos otras pero no me negarán que con empresas eficientes, rentables e internacionalmente competitivas se podría plantear un mundo cuya deflación del capital podría estar ya gestando una deflación estructural, de tipo social

Vidal, La era de la humanidad

La idea es que utilicemos la tecnología para valorar mucho más el factor humano. La tecnología nos hace más humanos y nos acerca a un estado natural en el que la creatividad, la empatía y la intuición tienen un valor exponencial.

Joyce, Portrait of an artist as a young man

The lyrical form is in fact the simplest verbal vesture of an instant of emotion, a rhythmical cry such as ages ago cheered on the man who pulled at the oar or dragged stones up a slope. He who utters it is more conscious of the instant of emotion than of himself as feeling emotion
Joyce, portrait…

Russell, Bloodline: The Celtic Kings of Roman Britain

The evidence for the nature, importance and general existence of the Druids in Britain can therefore be seen to derive from two discrete, not to say brief, asides. One third and final source appears, at face value, to place the Druids at the very epicentre of the Great Revolt. Written by Tacitus, in the early years of the second century and relating to the Roman attack, led by Suetonius Paullinus, upon Anglesey in AD 59 or 60 (67), it has been used to generate all manner of theories concerning the nature of Druidic power in Britain: He prepared accordingly to attack the island of Mona, which had a considerable population of its own, having served as a haven for refugees; and, in view of the shallow and variable channel, constructed a flotilla of boats with flat bottoms. By this method the infantry crossed; the cavalry, who followed, did so by fording or, in deeper water, by swimming at the side of their horses. On the beach stood the adverse array, a serried mass of arms and men, with women flitting

between the ranks. In the style of Furies, in robes of deathly black and with dishevelled hair, they brandished their torches; while a circle of Druids, lifting their hands to heaven and showering imprecations, struck the troops with such an awe at the extraordinary spectacle that, as though their limbs were paralysed, they exposed their bodies to wounds without an attempt at movement. Then, reassured by their general, and inciting each other never to flinch before a band of females and fanatics, they charged behind the standards, cut down all who met them, and enveloped the enemy in his own flames. The next step was to install a garrison among the conquered population, and to demolish the groves consecrated to their savage cults: for they considered it a duty to consult their deities by means of human entrails (Annals XIV)

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Russell, Bloodline: The Celtic Kings of Roman Britain

And while our men were hesitating, chiefly on account of the depth of the sea, the eagle-bearer of the tenth legion, after supplicating the gods that the matter might turn out favourably to the legion, exclaimed, “Leap, fellow soldiers, unless you wish to betray your eagle to the enemy. I, for my part, will perform my duty to the commonwealth and my general.” When he had said this with a loud voice, he leaped from the ship and proceeded to bear the eagle toward the enemy. Then our men, exhorting one another that so great a disgrace should not be incurred, all leaped from the ship. When those in the nearest vessels saw them, they speedily followed and approached the enemy (Gallic Wars 4, 35) It’s emotive stuff! A tale of heroism and valour; an anonymous foot soldier in the Legions of a Mediterranean superpower struggling onto the shore of an alien land beyond the northernmost limits of the known world. It is also, of course, an unpleasant piece of political spin, adding mythic gloss to an unnecessary war that ultimately cost the lives of thousands of innocent men, women and children. It is propaganda; a piece of self-promotion intended to benefit the political career of a shameless, mass-murdering tyrant.

Russell, Bloodline: The Celtic Kings of Roman Britain

All this may really show is that either the Latinisation of Celtic forms did not follow a set path or that the inscription cutter was used to the spoken, rather than the written, version of the tribe and town and that no one really cared all that much. Today, the names that we give to people and places tend to be rather fixed, but such things were certainly more fluid in the distant past. One has, for example, only to think of the many variant forms of surname provided for that the great Elizabethan poet and playwright Shakespeare (Shake-speare / Shakspeare / Shakespere / Shakespear / Shackspeare / Shakspere / Shakspear / Shak-speare / Shakespheare / Shaxspere and so on) to realise that rigidity and certainty in spelling is a curiously modern obsession

Morris, Infrastructure as code

Editing production server configuration by hand is like playing Russian Roulette with your business. Running untested configuration scripts against a groups of servers is like playing Russian Roulette with a machine gun

Yeats, el crepusculo celta

No obstante, recitó sus poemas de buena gana. Los guardaba todos en su memoria. Algunos de ellos nunca los había puesto por escrito. Con su música salvaje como los vientos que soplan entre los juncos1, me pareció que eran la voz más íntima de la tristeza celta y del anhelo celta de cosas infinitas que el mundo no ha visto jamás

Yeats, el crepusculo celta

La historia, la cual contaré exactamente como fue contada, era uno de esos cuentos enmarañados sin moraleja que son el deleite de los pobres y de los que trabajan duro, dondequiera que la vida conserve su simplicidad natural